Driving Profile’s success
Recruitment software specialist Microdec approached us with a view to updating their product branding, prior to their latest release of the software Profile R11.
The starting point for us was to review the product brand as it stood and work closely with the internal marketing team to confirm the positioning required to refresh the new brand offering, engaging with the current recruitment industry landscape. A key feature of the new release was a refreshed user interface that gives the software a more contemporary feel to the dashboard environment known as “the hub”.
This update to the hub was subsequently reflected in the overall branding for Profile with the square elements within the hub screen being represented within the logo and secondary graphics for marketing assets.
These square elements within the logo really gave versatility when delivering out secondary graphics and layout as they allowed us to create some intrigue, with the use of “incidental offset” angles. Which in turn assisted in a more contemporary, fresh approach that our client had asked us to deliver.
Alongside the re-branding we have also delivered various marketing collateral, to coincide with the launch of the updated software. These items included press adverts, a direct mail piece for existing customers and a overview brochure to explain the latest features and benefits of Profile.