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The Lowdown On Google’s March 2024 Core Update

The Lowdown On Google’s March 2024 Core Update | Re:View

The Lowdown On Google’s March 2024 Core Update

Google continually tries to improve its users’ experience through algorithm updates and content guidelines. But what does this mean for your website?

Today, we’re breaking down the March 2024 Google Core update. From how it affects rankings to how you can strengthen your content against future updates, we’re analysing why this update has shaken businesses worldwide. Scroll down to learn more.

What Is the March 2024 Google Core Update?

If you haven’t heard any rumbling about the latest Google update, we’ll be impressed. LinkedIn and other social networks have been filled with predictions and rumours for months, and now the updates are out, professionals are discussing its effects on their web rankings.

But let’s backtrack for a second — what is the March 2024 Google Core update?

The update is one of Google’s largest core algorithm updates to date. It targets low quality and AI content with an aim to streamline search results and ensure user search requests produce high-quality websites with valuable information.

The three main focuses of the update include:

  • Scaled content abuse
  • Expired domain abuse
  • Site reputation abuse

How Does This Affect You?

Depending on your website and content, the update may or may not affect your website’s rankings and performance.

The best way to see if you’ve been hit by the update is to check your website’s analytics. If traffic dramatically falls off after March and April, you’ve likely been de-indexed due to having AI or spam content.

Is AI Content Spam?

AI content is already an extremely divisive issue. Let’s look at what Google thinks about automated content.

“Our [Google’s] long-standing spam policy has been that the use of automation, including generative AI, is spam if the primary purpose is manipulating ranking in search results.”

Remember, this Google update aims to make sure users can find valuable information. If you’re searching “Which dog food is best for golden retrievers?” you want a fact-based article and genuine food reviews — not a keyword-stuffed article that makes no sense.

How To Strengthen Your Website After The Google Update

You’re in luck if you want to regain your ranking or protect your content against future updates. There are plenty of ways to elevate your search appearance.

Focus on informative, trustworthy, and relevant content.

Pack your content with information that helps readers make decisions. This means unbiased blogs that provide an honest opinion.

Focus on backing up your information with credible sources. Look for scientific studies or articles from reputable publishers, such as the BBC or other international outlets.

Keep the content relevant to your audience’s needs. Don’t ramble on about random topics or try to weave in unrelated SEO keywords. Be concise and make it easy to read.

Images, external links, and personal stories can also help. Unsurprisingly, 100% AI websites have been hit hard — avoid filling your blog with robot writings.

Don’t Panic!

If you’ve been de-indexed and have experienced a sharp drop in traffic, don’t panic! You can regain your position as an online expert.

You’ll need to address low-quality content, continue creating helpful content, and follow future updates to stay ahead of the curve. You may even want to repurpose old content to guarantee your website is up to date.

Sounds like too much work? We understand — and that’s why we’re here to help. Review Creative can help you keep your website afloat and following the latest Google updates.

Learn more about what we do today. Or get in touch for bespoke advice.